Hadar Oren
Illustrator and Writer
E-Mail: hadar.oren.art@gmail.com

Hi, welcome to my website!
My name is Hadar, I'm an Illustrator and writer from Tel-Aviv.
My passions are visual and verbal storytelling, creating worlds and designing characters.
I studied Concept Design, Illustrator and InDesign at IAC, and Film and Television at Tel-Aviv University,
where I was in the Scriptwriting Track.
In addition to illustrating and designing in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, I edit videos in Resolve.
I'm Familiar with Premiere, ZBrush and SketchUp as well.
My illustrations were shown at multiple exhibitions, including:
- "Nights in the White City" at Bauhaus Center Tel-Aviv.
- "LaCulture Illustration" exhibition.
- "Lost" exhibition at Outline Festival.
- The digital exhibition "Posters for Inspiration Day".
I'll be happy to join your team or work on your projects,
so don't hesitate to contact me!